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We have many groups meet throughout the week both at the church and in homes. It is our hope that everyone finds at least one group to be a part of. Through groups we build close bonds, open ourselves up for deep spiritual growth, and meet others needs while getting our needs met. Our groups are fluid, always changing to meet the current needs of the family. Listed below are some of the groups that meet but please look for a current list at the information booth near the sanctuary entrance.


Starting Sunday April 21st from 5-6:30

Our Mission; to support our youth in becoming strong confident adults with strong Chrsitan based values. Our youth are able to find comfort in knowing they are not alone, discovering Truth as it is defined Biblically.

Image by Kyle Smith
Man with Book


Tuesday nights BAM. Be A Man. food at 6:45, session starts
at 7:15

Our mission; Iron sharpens iron as men grow spiritually through fellowship and the Word of God.

Women’s Bible study

Our mission; to grow in faith and fellowship through meeting together and studying the Word of God.meeting times Wednesday morning @ 9:30 & Thursday evening @ 6:30pm

Image by Sasha  Freemind
Image by John Matychuk

Worship Team

Meets every Saturday to prepare to lead us in worship on Sunday. Our mission; to fellowship as we use our musical gifting to lead our church family in a contemporary worship music every Sunday.

Image by Debby Hudson


We have many Bible Study classes that meet throughout the year. Some are hosted at HillSp!ng and some in homes. Recent studies have included: Authentically, Uniquely you by Beth Moore. The Study of Ruth, The Book of Revelations. Watch current upcoming Bible Study groups in the weekly newsletter and info table.

Image by Jungwoo Hong


We have many classes throughout the year to help us grow in fellowship. These classes have specific themes and lengths changing to meet the needs of our church family. Some more recent classes include; Weapon Maintenance, CPR and First Aid, Daniel Plan (becoming the healthiest you), and many more.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

service team

We should all consider ourselves as part of the service team. We count on everybody in our family to help our building and grounds run smoothly. There are many opportunities from taking out the trash to serving as a greeter. Please see our current list posted at our information table to sign up. We are counting on YOU.

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